November 1, 2017

Soon to be edited and published is Violet.  The next in the Vickie series of books.  Violet is in charge of her family business and that business is controlling global…

October 28, 2017

I am finishing my fourth book in the Vickie series which closes the gap between Valkyrie and Vic/Tim in that series.  The book Violet is about Vickie being targeted by…

October 24, 2017

My drone book of Vickie the riveter is climbing up on the Amazon free preview. Vickie not just can do things but will do things. This series is hard hitting…

October 20, 2017

Yes she will. #books #book #fiction #drama #empowered #powerful

October 20, 2017

Can’t seem to find the original to get a high quality version.  Apparently this one is old and passed around but it sort of fits the essence of Vickie.  She…

October 13, 2017

Starting tomorrow the 10/14 through 10/18 all three books will be available to read free on Amazon.  Sample what Vickie is about and what she will do next.  #Amazon #RWBookclub…


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