October 12, 2017

It is exciting to announce that I have two new translations being worked on: Vic/Tim is being translated into Hindi and Vickie is being translated into French!

October 11, 2017

Online book interview by IndieView about my Vickie series of books and getting started. http://www.theindieview.com/2017/09/05/indieview-with-mike-sims-author-of-victim/

October 9, 2017

I am very happy that my book Vickie, the first book in the series, is now being published in Portuguese.  It follows Vic/Tim already translated and the entire series is…

September 26, 2017

Why does each book in my Vickie series start with a “V”. Well the V shape has long been a symbol of femininity. You can find it all kinds of…

September 26, 2017

When I started this book journey I had already written many short stories from my teen years.  I had been told by family and friends for years; “you need to…


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