Why is Vickie an important character?

In my books Vic/Tim, Vickie and Valkyrie as well as two others to come out, Vickie is the main character.  When I wrote Vic/Tim originally it was a short story and meant to be a dark comedy about a woman revenging herself upon Tim a would be first time rapist.  But as I wrote it, it began to turn dramatic and ended much different than I had planned.  That is the way it works when I write, I never know how the story will end exactly.  So I expanded the story to a full novel and then planned on five in total novels.  The character of Vickie is too big to be contained in one book.  Reason is her nature.  She has gone through the toughest events of life and her strong character was designed to endure them.  They simply temper her to grow stronger and smarter.

Why is this important?  Vickie embodies an almost male ego type personality in a female body.  Most men that have read Vic/Tim already have liked the story but hated Vickie.  I have been told she is not a nice person, not a hero, and certainly not what they expect a woman to be.  She is a very threatening force to most male egos because her ego is almost male like.  However she is all woman and has all the feminine aspects of love, caring and even a weakness for a particular man.  She may not be a hero by most works standards but eventually what she does is heroic.  The feedback I get from women is that they love the story of Vickie and her strength.  Some have said she does things they wished they could do.  Vickie is not afraid of paying any consequence to do what she feels is right.  She really is not interested in correcting the world or making it a better place, just dealing with people that get in her way or the way of those she cares about.

The attitude of Vickie is hard and she seems like a statue in her demeanor.  This is the character she needs to be steadfast to face the challenges that await her in future books.  The first four books describe her life and events that shape her while the fifth and final book will show her ultimate destiny.  I have one more prequel to Vic/Tim to write and then I am anxious to work on the final sequel book.  The story is already laid out in my mind and I am hoping the final book will end the series on an extremely high note.

My other hopes is that the Vickie series of books will inspire, strengthen and help not just women but everyone who has been victimized or gone through traumatic experiences.  What would Vickie do?  She will do what you probably should do but cant.  She will bear the burden and live the life you need lived.  Let her experience for you what most of us cant.  But at the very least, let her story entertain you.

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