The story of Vickie started in 2005 as a short story. Eight years later it began its journey to become a full novel. Brewing in the mind of its writer, Vickie is a special character. She is powerful, strong but that is what can happen when you are a rape victim from an early age. Life keeps throwing hardships at Vickie but she can handle it. She may become rough in her ways but she has a deep sense of justice. What could life be preparing her for that is so important? It must be big though. Vic/Tim is the first book where she encounters Tim a would be rapist. His attempted assault forces Vickie to feel things she has not felt in many years and she decides to teach him a lesson in her own dark comedic way. All she wanted was to live a life of levity after dealing with Violet. But Tim has caused a major ripple in her life and forces her to get back on track doing what she does best. In the book Vickie she gets her start and we see what made her what she is. She goes from a small child to a woman out of college. Following is Valkyrie where Vickie takes on her first major challenge in life. She takes on an evil game played on poor people and also must expose issues with many other people. Her ways of dealing with those things attracts the attention of her greatest nemesis, Violet. Violet soon to be published will show what true evil is. It will bring us to the original book Vic/Tim in Vickie’s timeline. After that will be two more books finalizing her destiny and showing us what she is all about. Vickie, Valkyrie and Vic/Tim available everywhere online in print, ebooks, audiobooks. Also in various languages.