Why does each book in my Vickie series start with a “V”. Well the V shape has long been a symbol of femininity. You can find it all kinds of symbolism spanning numerous religions and belief systems around the world. Even as the late Leonard Nimoy has said that his Vulcan hand greeting gesture in a V shape came from an old symbol for the femininity of deities. So since my book character is a powerful strong woman, I named her Vickie to have that V letter to start her name. Formally her name is Victoria but is only mentioned in very tragic moments in her life. That is an “easter egg” as there are many in my books. So all the books pertaining to Vickie start with a “V”. Vickie, Valkyrie and Vic/Tim; soon Violet. The Valkyrie book’s design was the first one designed by me even though I was with my old publisher Tate Publishing. I bought the rights to a design to start out and heavily modified the Valkyrie symbol to look like a heart in the helmet part and the wings more accentuated. The heart is shaped but empty and the wings form a V shape. Vickie personifies feminine power and intelligence to the utmost extreme. What will Vickie do? Whatever she wants.

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